The MATHUSLA collaboration is working on a revised geometry with reduced size and cost compared to the 100m benchmark below. This page will be updated accordingly when that is available.
We worked with Civil Engineers to define the building and the layout of MATHUSLA at P5. The layout is restricted by the existing structures based on current concept and engineering requirements.

The current layout fit the available land around CMS that is already CERN property. MATHUSLA is located ~70 m to the CMS IP on the surface with the IP around 80 m below the surface. The centre has a 7.5 m offset with respect to the beam line.
The main detector is subdivided in modules with a size of around 9x9x30 m^3. This permits staging the construction.

Each individual detector units will have 6 layers of tracking/timing detectors separated by 80 cm. Additional tracking/timing layer 5m below the former tracking system. A double layer floor detector (tracking/timing information).
Here some drawings showing the sub-module units.

Here some additional engineering drawings showing the building layout with the modules installed.