The MATHUSLA collaboration is working on a revised geometry with reduced size and cost compared to the 100m benchmark below. This page will be updated accordingly when that is available.
The plot below shows the sensitivity to a hidden sector model where a Higgs-like boson (h) decays into two long-lived scalars (X) of 20 GeV for the current MATHUSLA layout at CERN P5, assuming an integrated luminosity of 3 inverse ab. The red solid line show the MATHUSLA sensitivity, while the black solid line shows the sensitivity limit for the ATLAS analysis that searches for 1 displaced vertex in the Muon Spectrometer (MS).

Due to the better geometrical acceptance, the current detector layout (with an active area close to 100 m^2) slightly improves the sensitivity reach of the detector layout (with an active area 200 m^2) described in the MATHUSLA White Paper ( A detailed comparison between the two layouts can be found in Imran Alkhatib thesis "Geometric Optimization of the MATHUSLA Detector" (
For the reasons reported above, the sensitivity plots for the benchmark models outlined in the MATHUSLA White Paper well describe the sensitivity reach of the current MATHUSLA layout. Here is reported an extract of the MATHUSLA sensitivities for some of the benchmark models described in the White Paper (for a reader interested in the other models we therefore refer to
Here the projected sensitivity for both meson decays and exotic Higgs decays in the plane of m_s vs mixing angle sinθ. While the meson decay constraints are robustly determined by the position in this parameter space, the exotic Higgs decay constraints depends on an additional parameter, the h → ss branching ratio, which has no lower bound.

Here the projected sensitivity (4 events) in the (m_N, |U_αN|^2) plane to sterile neutrinos, N, produced in W/Z decays